Wednesday, 24 January 2018

Salesforce CRM Training


  1. What is CRM?
  2. Common business issues faced by companies today
  3. How CRM can help?
  4. What CRM brings to business?
  5. Evolution of CRM
  6. Business value of CRM
  7. What CRM means to you as a user?
  8. Customers benefiting from CRM
  9. A view of available of CRM products from IT industry
  10. Compare CRM with other CRM products
SALESFORCE Administration
Sales Cloud Concepts
  1. Home page, Tabs, Apps, Tab Home Pages, Record, Detail Page, Related lists and Sidebar
  2. Understanding Leads and Opportunities
  3. Adding A Lead
  4. Adding An Account
  5. Edit An Account Record
  6. Adding A Product To An Opportunity
  7. Sales ID
  8. Adding A Task
  9. Connect To Microsoft Outlook
  10. Send And Add An Email
  11. Logging A Call
  12. Document Tab
  13. Web to lead
  14. Web to case
  15. Assignment Rules
  16. Auto response Rules
  17. Sales automation
  18. Converting A Lead
  19. Team Contacts
  20. Adding An Opportunity
  21. Adding A Contact
  22. Creating A View
  23. Activity History
  24. Submitting A Case
  25. Campaigns Partner Roles Portals
  26. Communities

Standard SFDC Applications
  1. Salesforce CRM Content
  2. Chatter
  3. Salesforce Knowledge
  4. Entitlements & Service Contracts
  5. Salesforce Answers
  6. Salesforce Mobile
  7. Customer Portal Partner Portal Salesforce to Salesforce
  8. Sites

Sales Overview
  1. Overview of products
  2. Sales cloud and jigsaw
  3. Service cloud and Remedyforce
  4. Social Chatter and Radian6
  5. Custom,, Heroku
  6. App exchange
  7. Editions and pricing

Service Cloud Concepts Create Case
  1. Researching and Resolving Cases
  2. Communicating the Outcome
  3. Automate case management
  4. Capturing and associating cases efficiently
  5. Helping customers helping themselves
  6. Improving productivity
  7. Manage Cases

  1. User Security and Authentication
  2. Session Security Network
  3. Security Security Tokens
  4. Data Security

Standard Objects
  1. Account
  2. Person Account
  3. Contact
  4. Lead
  5. Campaign
  6. Opportunity
  7. Quote
  8. Product and Price Bank
  9. Case
  10. CRON Trigger

Managing Users
  1. Profiles
  2. Roles
  3. Groups
  4. Queues
  5. Permission Sets

Securing and Sharing Data
  1. Object-Level Security
  2. Field- Level Security
  3. Record-Level Security
  4. Field Accessibility
  5. Record Types

Automate Business Process with Workflow Developing Approval Processes
  1. Formulas
  2. Syntax
  3. Object Formulas
  4. Where Do I Use Them?
  5. Workflows &Business Rules
  6. Visualforce
  7. Limitations
  8. Best Practices
  9. Predefined Function and experiment                

Going Global
  1. Divisions
  2. Locale
  3. Currencies
  4. Advanced currency Management
  5. Translating the User Interface
  6. Import
  7. Export

Using Analytics
  1. Running Dynamic Reports
  2. Custom Report Types
  3. Dashboards
  4. Analytic Snapshots

Overriding Link, Tabs and Label Sending Mass Email Importing Data
  1. Import Data wizard
  2. APEX Data Loader
  3. From Command Prompt
  4. Monitoring your Org
  5. Debug Logs
  6. Email Logs
  7. Login History
  8. View Setup Audit Trail
  9. Time-based Workflow
  10. Scheduled Job
  11. Outbound Messages
  12. Apex Job Queue
  13. Import Queue
  14. Mass Email Queue
  15. Case Escalation Rule Queue
  16. Entitlement Process Queue
  17. Bulk Data Load Jobs
SALESFORCE Development
  1. Enable Developing mode
  2. Overview about Developer Console
  3.  Installing Eclipse
  4.  Overview about using eclipse and options
  5. Installing ant and Maven in the eclipse

OOPS (Object-oriented programming)

  1. MVC Architecture
  2. Comparison of MVC to SalesForce APPS
  3. OOPS Basics
  4. Lexical
  5. Tokens
  6. Identifiers
  7. Variables
  8. Data Types
  9. Methods
  10. Access Modifiers
  11. Comparison between Method/Function and Procedure
  12. Classes
  13. Creation of Variables
  14. Getter Methods
  15. Setter Methods
  16. Creation of Methods
  17. With Sharing
  18. With Out Sharing
  19. Creation of Objects
  20. Reference Variables
  21. Constructors
  22. Class Scope
  23. Static Variables
  24. Static Methods
  25. Static Blocks
  26. Final Variables
  27. Final Static Variables
  28. Arrays
  29. Advantages and Disadvantages of Arrays


  1. Collections
  2. List Class and Methods
  3. Set Class and Methods
  4. Map Class and Methods
  5. Select Option Class
  6.      .          SOQL (Salesforce Object Query Language)
  7. Group By
  8. Having
  9. Limit
  10. Offset
  11. Update Lock
  12. Parent to Child object Query
  13. Child to Parent object Query
  14.  Aggregate Result
  15. Compression of Database. Query and static query
  16. Governing limits for SOQL
  17. DML operations
  18. Database. DML operations
  19. Compression of DML with Database.DML
  20. Database. Save Point
  21. Database. Rollback operations
  22. Inheritance in Class
  23. Overriding classes
  24. Working with workbench
  25. Writing a test classes
  26. SOQl Governing limit
  27. DML governing limit
  28. DML on No. of records
  29. Future Methods
  30. Setup Objects
  31. Non Setup Objects
  32. Mixed DML exception
  33. AsyncApexJob class
  34. Batch Apex
  35. Custom Iterable Class
  36. Database.QueryLocator
  37. Start Method
  38. execute Method
  39. finish Method
  40. Database.BatchableContext
  41. Implementing Database.Stateful Interface
  42. Calling Future Methods
  43. Creating a future methods in a batch
  44. Invoking callouts from Batch apex
  45. Implementing Database.AllowCallouts
  46. Calling batch with in a batch
  47. Handling exceptions in batch apex
  48. Sending email from finish
  49. Invoking another batch from Batch
  50. Serializing Batch apex
  51. Email ServicesOutbound Email Services
  52. Single Email Message
  53. Sending Pdf attachment
  54. Sending Email Template
  55. Attaching VF page as an attachment
  56. Attaching the Email to activities
  57. Creating a PDF from future methods
  58. Mass Email Message
  59. Governing Limits
  60. Inbound Email Service
  61. Creating Inbound Email Handlers
  62. Creating Inbound Email Service
  63. Creating a lead based on inbound email
  64. Invoke a batch apex based on Inbound
  65. Schedule ApexImplementing Schedule Apex
  66. Cron Trigger
  67. Invoking Batch Apex
  68. Invoking Future Methods from Schedule Apex
  69. Invoking the Callouts from Schedule Apex
  70. Sending Email from Schedule Apex
  71. Test Classes
  72. Governing Limits
  73. TriggersTrigger Events
  74. Trigger Context variables
  75. Insert Triggers
  76. Trigger. New in before insert and after Insert .
  77. DML in before insert and after Insert.
  78. System validation and before Insert Trigger Combination.
  79. System validation and Before Insert and custom validations.
  80. System validation and Before Insert, Custom validation and after Insert trigger Combination.
  81. System Validation, Before Insert, Custom validation, after insert, Assignment Rule Combination.
  82. System Validation, Before Insert, Custom validation, after insert, Assignment Rule, Auto Response Combination
  83. System Validation, Before Insert, Custom validation, after insert, Assignment Rule, Auto Response, workflow Combination
  84. 9. System Validation, Before Insert, Custom validation, after insert, Assignment Rule, Auto Response workflow 1, workflow rule 2   Combination
  85. System Validation, Before Insert, Custom validation, after insert, Assignment Rule, Auto Response workflow 1, workflow rule 2, Rollup summary combination 
  86. System Validation, Before Insert, Custom validation, after insert, Assignment Rule, Auto Response workflow 1, workflow rule 2, Rollup, Formulas combination
  87. Update Triggers
  88. Trigger.Old
  89. Trigger.OldMap
  90. Trigger.New
  91. Triger.NewMap
  92. Recursive trigger
  93. Trigger handlers
  94. Trigger’s on Parent Child objects
  95. Delete Triggers
  96. Trigger. Old
  97. Trigger. OldMap
  98. Undelete Triggers
  99. Trigger. New
  100. Trigger. New Map
  101. Invoking Batch Apex from Triggers
  102. Invoking Schedule Apex from Triggers
  103. Invoking Email’s from Triggers
  104. Invoking future Methods from Triggers
  105. Invoking Callouts from Triggers
  106. Invoking apex classes from Triggers
  107. Dataloader with Triggers
  108. Test Classes
  109. Schema ProgrammingInvoking List of object from Schema
  110. Invoking List of field from a given object
  111. Comparing the data type and fetching PickList fields from the object
  112. Creating a custom picklist field with the options from the given picklist field from given object
  113. Fetching the list of tabs available in the schema
  114. Meta data APICreating Object using Apex
  115. Creating a field in the object with given field type in the custom object
  116. Comparing two objects and their field and Creating them in case there are no mapping
  117. Creating a Tab in sales force using Java / Salesforce external org
  118. Custom Setting:List
  119.  Hierarchical
  120. Salesforce to Salesforce without Coding
  121. Salesforce to Excel without coding
  122. Salesforce to Informatica without Coding
  123. Salesforce to Facebook without Coding (Authentication provider, Single Sing on)
  124. Salesforce to OKTA (single sign on)
  125. Apex based Sharing rules
  126. Apex based auto approval process
  127. Wrapper Class

  128. Visualforce:
  129. Create VF Page
  130. Using Url
  131. Using Developer Console
  132. Using Eclipse
  133. Using Standard Navigation
  134. Printing Static data
  135. Binding the global data on VF page
  136. Global Objects in VF page
  137. Apex:PageBlock
  138. Apex:PageBlockSection and apex :PageBlockSectionItem
  139. Input Components
  140. InputText
  141. InputField
  142. InputHidden
  143. InputSecret
  144. InputTextArea
  145. InputCheckbox
  146. Output Components
  147. OutputText
  148. OutputLabel
  149. OutputField
  150. Creating Custom Account object Edit Page
  151. Creating Custom Object Detail page
  152. CSS in VF pageInternal CSS
  153. InLine CSS
  154. External CSS using static Resource
  155. JavaScipt in VF pageInternal javascript
  156. External javascript
  157. Events & validations
  158. Invoice pages
  159. Jquery in VF pageEstablish a plugin using Static Resource
  160. Establish a plugin using Url
  161. AutoComplete
  162. Paginations
  163. Ajax in VF pageSforce connection
  164. Querying data from VF page
  165. DML operations directly from VF page without apex
  166. AutoLookup functionality using Ajax and Jquery
  167. List Views
  168. PageBlockTables
  169. Data Tables
  170. Data List
  171. Enhanced list view
  172. Insert, Include and define
  173. Panel Grid, Panel group, output panel
  174. SelectList, Selectoption, SelectOptions
  175. Establishing Connection between Apex and VF page using Controller
  176. Custom Picklist field using SelectOption
  177. ActionSupport, ActionFunction, Action Pooling
  178. Remote method invocations
  179. Soap call form VF pages
  180. Charts and Dashboard using VF page
  181. PDF pages
  182. Visualforce custom Components
  183. Apex pagination
  184. Data transfer between the pages
  185. Controller and Extensions
  186. Overiding the Standard buttons and links
  187. SControllers
  190. Duration: 60 Days
Fee: Rs.22,000

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